The jungle book

You know, looking at the flame at a campfire, I think it’s so captivating because fire is the only thing that hasn’t changed since the dawn of humanity and monkeys became men. It hasn’t changed in shape, smell, feel, sound, color, size. Even watermelons and bananas are widely different since only like 1645. Tomatoes just started existing. And you can compare food and fire because you can get more nutrients out of the former with the latter.

You could change the nature of campfires by branding them. This year’s Fire Blaze S is the first entry-level Fire, priced at $80,000. The most recent additions to the Fire lineup are the $90,000 (including the $80,000 for the special edition) Blaze S, the $75,000 X6, and the $60,000 R7. The X6 is like a more powerful X3, and the X6 is like a brighter X5. With the Blaze S, Fire fans can choose between a 2-mode ambient temperature control system and an ambient temperature sensor.

Imagine you’re a young girl before the Stone Age, and you’re waiting for your brother to get home from hunting. While waiting, you have a campfire going, and you’re watching it with the best of intentions. It’s your guardian and it creates an aura of safety around you, where animals and ghosts can’t harm you. They’re afraid of the mystical portable sun. Scared and sacred are almost spelled the same.

You’re helping the campfire put out a blaze, but all of a sudden, a huge bug flies in front of the light and projects a scary silhouette in your eyes. You quickly put your fire out, your brother comes home, and you’re so distraught at what’s happened that you collapse on the floor. In the midst of your meltdown, you pass out and have a dream. You are sitting on a stone slab in the middle of an incredibly dark forest. You are watching a woman who’s been there for a while, and she says, “Well, you’ve come a long way, baby. You’re a fine young lady, but you’ll always be my monkey girl.” She turns to you and kisses you, and you awaken, relieved.